Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dubai: Worlds first air conditioned bus stop

I spent last week in Dubai and really wanted to create a model while I was there.  Unfortunately due to time constraints (too much sightseeing and socialising to be done!) I didn't have much time for modelling.  Shame really as Dubai is full of architectural treats.  I did have time to create a model which was of interest to me, as I am also a building services engineer.

Dubai has created the worlds first air conditioned bus stop!  Not the most sustainable idea, but then again in a place where the temperature can hit 40 degrees it means more people may be encouraged to use public transport.

The model has already been approved in super quick time and is available for all to see in the Google Earth 3D buildings layer.

Picture of the model

3D model (spin around to see the air con unit on the back)

Google Earth model

I arrived in Auckland on Friday for a extended holiday. Hopefully will have a chance to do some modelling while I tour around, watch this space!

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