Friday, February 4, 2011

SketchUp plugin for Augmented Reality

I discovered a SketchUp plugin this week that literally blew my mind.  It's hard to explain why but when you see the YouTube clip below you will understand.  If you want to try this yourself all you need is a computer, a webcam and a printer.

Firstly a quick introduction to Augmented reality.  It simply means adding an extra layer of information over the top of a real life environment.  The computer augments (changes) the view to show computer graphics or information interacting with  real life.  The exciting part is it allows you to play with computer models as if they were real life objects.  If that doesn't make sense play the video below and all will become clear.

As an engineer and designer I'm constantly looking for ways to improve communication of design with clients and team members, and augmented reality is looking promising as a future method of sharing 3D design with a wider audience.  I'm very much looking forward to experimenting with SketchUp and the AR-Media plugin which allows you you quickly set up augmented reality of a 3D model of your choosing.

Click play below, and prepare to be amazed....

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